It's not JUST about what I had for breakfast...

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

If It's Tuesay, This Must Be Garbage Day!

I noticed yesterday that our manzanita bush at work is gone.  Someone said it died so the landscapers  removed it



This picture is from 2014, wasn't in the folder, why did I not upload it back then?

Well, so much for that bit of coolness.

I solved a major (for me!) puzzle cache at work today.  I've been staring at it for several years and was just about to email a "HELP!" to the cache owners when I noticed something and had an idea, and THAT eventually, a couple of hours later, led to something that worked, and a couple of hours later I had the coordinates in hand.  Found it after work, too!

Which ALMOST makes up for a Did Not Find before work that should have been easy, but all I got was ants. Said ants got a trip to work, too!

I now have a key to the renovated restroom nearer to The Library In Exile!  So I don't have to walk clear across the campus!

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