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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

On Reaching My Goal For The Year--Early

Today I found the last two caches I needed to achieve my goal of completing the MTRP Hall Of Fame this year.

This is where all the smileys are.  You will notice two that do not have the smiley.  They are archived or disabled caches that are not findable but are still on the list.  There are 443 caches on "the list".

I had a lot of help from other cachers, partial-cachers, and  non-cachers, especially with the puzzle caches.  Some of them were pretty devious and I needed a LOT of hand-holding!  Right off hand I remember Levon did the baseball scorekeeper one, and Matt did the algebra and bowling score ones. I am quite proud that I managed to do the Minesweeper puzzle myself, using my mad internet researching skills.  Searching and re-searching!

Well, now I need a new goal!

1 comment:

Deanne said...

Wow! Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment!

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