It's not JUST about what I had for breakfast...

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Better Late Than Never

Well, finally I am posting all the pictures from July that I haven't posted here.  Many of them have been on Facebook.  Some of them were 'specially made to irritate or tease (same thing?) people on Facebook!

All the images here are thumbnails, so you can click on them to see the large image (mostly), unless you are using Thumbnail Zoom Plus on Firefox, like me!

Something I found humerous on

I put up a bracket for the hummingbird feeder.  Hard to get a straight shot on that screw, even with the stubby.

Someone mentioned Slovenly Peter on a forum, so I had to IMMEDIATELY take a selfie of myself with my copy.

I even put up a welcome sign for the hummingbirds, but none have ever shown up.  I can hear them chirpping in the bushes, but they ignore the feeder.

Dinner one night!

I was out geocaching in OB and ran into these ladies, and they let me join up to look for a few caches. They also provided the picture! Thanks!

We took apart the engine on the Ranger (the other Ranger!).  The water passages look pretty blocked to me. 

I posted on a forum for Softalk magazine that I had won a couple of computer games from them, back in the day.  I had an offer to buy that Prisoner 2, but I declined.

Rant warning!  Cachers keep complaining that one of my caches is hard to get out of its hiding place.  Huh.  Probably why I made a TOTT (Tool Of The Trade, in this case, a hooked length of wire) to assist in retrieval, and hid it in a nearby bush.  Which I explained on the cache page.  Here is a picture.  It's still there.  Been there for years.  The only reason some people can get it out with their fingers is that people keep "fixing" it.  I may stick a twenty dollar bill on the TOTT for a First-To-Find reward...

I was out caching near Gillespie Field.  Here is an airplane landing.  I took it from inside the vehicle. Sad.

I did not find the nearby geocache, but this nifty seaplane, missing some of its parts, was very cool.

We put the Ranger engine back together.  Usually there are some bolts left over.  We had a bracket left over.  I have no idea.  Still runs OK, though!

There is a geocache under there.  I found it in plain sight, and took this picture to show the cache owner where I had stuck it.  In case they want to change something.  I didn't actually mean to publish this, but here we are.

I received this image which was transmitted by the International Space Station using SSTV (Slow Scan Television) over ham radio on the two meter band.  I used my Icom IC-V80 HT with a J-pole antenna outside, and a SSTV app on the iPhone. Nifty!

A pic I took of a page from Leaving Time, by Jodi Picault.  I just wanted to document an author using "X-Acto" knife correctly.  It made me very happy.

No geocache in here!

We stopped by the Lemon Grove Lips.

Then we went to Pizzeria Luigi, which was rather crowded, but fortunately we got a parking spot.  We also went to Panchita's Bakery.

SOMEONE commented, on Facebook, something about pizza and desert, and so I was COMPELLED to make this image illustrating The Great Pizza Desert of Southern California.

We went to the Mule Hill Trail in Escondido.  I saw this gas line with the bolt sequence written on, it reminded me of the travails of tightening the headbolts on the Ranger.

I went up to Pine Creek, near Pine Valley, to reconointer the area.

Some pictures from my Flume Trail walk yesterday.  It was pretty warm, in the mid-90s I'd say, and about 250 feet of vertical gain.  Lots of switchbacks!

This illustrates the route of the Flume, and is the first documentation that I've seen that the flume starts at the diversion dam, up there on the top right.  I had figured that out for myself the other day, but this is confirmation!

The view from the flume trail towards El Cajon Mountain.

This sign kept going on and on about the Monte Tunnel.  All very interesting, but what does that have to do with here?  I've been here several times in the past, there ain't no tunnel here. 

Oh, you mean THAT tunnel, over there.  Behind the bush.  Like the sign says...

A panorama of the El Monte Valley from the Flume Trail.

This is a man who called himself Paco. I forget his real name.  I think he is from Mississippi or Alabama.  Somewhere down there. I'd like to reconnect with him. Ignore the girl.

A sill quiz from Facebook.  Where is "None Of The Above"?

A scam letter I got.  I especially like how a letter from the U.S. Treasury has a non-disclosure statement, in Spanish (and English), from the National Museum of Columbia.

Boy, I'm glad this month is over, for ever so many reasons.

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