It's not JUST about what I had for breakfast...

Monday, February 05, 2007

Get Me A Jaywalker

I have to drive to work for the next few weeks. Look out, world!

I was taking it easy, obeying the speed signs, when some girl WALKED out across Lake Murray Blvd., a FOUR-LANE divided blvd.. And NOT at a 90 degree angle, OH NO, she's ambling along at a much more obtuse angle. And not necessarily in the mathematical sense.

I laid on the horn, she startled (Hey, I had my LIGHTS ON!), and moseyed on over the the side of the road. Not the SIDEWALK, mind you, but what would possibly be the bicycle lane, if there was one.

I arrive at work.

Time passes...

I'm getting ready to go to my appointment, I'm carrying a bicycle fork I had brought to work. Deborah comes in, sees me, says, "Oh, are you riding your bike to the doctor?".

Yes, Deb, after I re-assemble the bike I'm riding it to the doctor!!

She cracks me up!

So, I get to the clinic, all the reserved parking is gone, so I have to park in the structure. No worries, I got the magic pass!

I check into the clinic, I change into a gown. I'm sitting in the waiting room. Other patients are there. I'm talking to a fellow (guy) patient. For some reason I am amused that the woman patients are wearing their pants under their gowns, and we guys are wearing our shirts under our gowns.

My name is called, I head into the treatment room. I tell the nurse I was going to bring a camera, she said no problem, bring one next time, lot's of people do. Cool! So maybe next time we shall have pictures!

I was pretty nervous and kept feeling like I was going to start twitching or something, and my blood sugar was probably low, too. But, I made it through the procedure no problem. Only 40ish more to go!

Well, that's all for today!

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