It's not JUST about what I had for breakfast...

Friday, January 12, 2007

"Someone's at the door."

All these years I've thought Juliette Lewis was the ghost sister in American Gothic. Tonight I discover is was Sarah Paulson! What else am I confused about? Hey, but tell me she DOESN'T look like Ms. Lewis!

This all came about reading a thread at fark! about the National Lampoon Vacation movies.

I found out what a ha-ha is yesterday.

This certainly has been a week for revelations! Let us hope next week reveals nothing that I don't want to hear!

Somehow I managed to find my way to this page about scythes while at work the other day. Apparently the Austrian scythe is the new hotness.

I guess I didn't take the right science classes 'cause I've never seen nothing like THIS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Juliette Lewis & Sarah Paulson look nothing alike.The later is MUCH more innocent looking. Sarah Palson is also on that NBC show---Studio 60. I really I've only watched bits and pieces. Think she's supposed to be a born again Christian. Tired. Back aches after cleaning the shower. I'm sure that John's back & arms will be tired after buffing the Del Sol & the Camry today. They made it to Stockton by 1pm. They left around 5:30 this morning. Got through L.A. in 2 hours and had time for a sitdown breakfast. Jacob had a soccer game at 10 this morning. Fun to watch. The kids get better and better every time.


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