It's not JUST about what I had for breakfast...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's Garbageday!

Drove someone to the E.R. last night around midnight. Don't worry, it was nothing. It wasn't too crowded, but of course we had to wait quiet a while. While we were waiting we saw(or heard) the following people:

  • A bartender who had skewered his hand with a wine glass he was cleaning.
  • A homeless lady with back pain who lives in a van.
  • A twenty-something with possible appendicitis.
  • A younger woman being released who had no cab fare. The bartender's boss gave her $30! Wow!
  • A 600 pound woman they had to get a regular bed for.

We got home around four in the morning. I finished my John Mortimer book and fell asleep till eight. Then:

  1. I got up
  2. Ate breakfast
  3. Put the garbage can out on the curb
  4. Cashed in the recycling cans
  5. Bought a piece of hardboard at Home Depot
  6. Bought time-release fertilizer at Dixieline
  7. Bought bird seed, both sunflower and regular at Petco
  8. Bought cigarettes at the cigarette store
  9. Bought acrylic flow releaser at Michaels
  10. Bought groceries at Albertsons
  11. Forgot to return library books

That's about it for my errands. Now I need to do something with all the stuff I bought!

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