It's not JUST about what I had for breakfast...

Thursday, November 30, 2017

October Catch-up!

My internet speed

My friend and I took a drive in his new Mustang up to the mountain road around Palomar, and visited the big telescope.

I was looking at a town in Texas that a friend was visiting and saw this nifty B&B with an assortment of "rooms"  This is one of them.

We have a bird that comes and visits nearly every day, running into the mirrored windows, and pecking at his reflection, I guess.  I haven't got a good pictures yet, but these I took on one morning visit.

How many more, you cry?

I forget what this is

Someone at the Queen Mary Geo Coinfest logged the trackable on my vehicle, and sent me this picture.  Neat!

Amtrak boasts of its improved seating.  Where's armrest between seats, I ask?

I polished up my Buck knife, with wax.

Now it is purty!

I ran across these Oz pics, I don't know who created them.

Well, that is about all for October, I guess!

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