It's not JUST about what I had for breakfast...

Saturday, January 03, 2015

It's Saturday!

I still haven't done my statistics, but I did do some other stuff this morning.  I washed some clothes.  I folded socks and undies and pants that have been sitting out for weeks, being reused and rewashed.  I spent a LOT of time looking for one missing sock, a quite expensive hiking sock, one of a pair.  Could not find it ANYWHERE.  So I had to wash the clothes to get a clean pair of hiking socks.  I finally got dressed and found the sock in the sleeve of the shirt I was planning to wear today.  A shirt I had checked for errant socks.  But not in the sleeve!

I washed all the dishes, not that there were piles.  And I cleaned the dried mud out of my hiking shoes.

And that is about it for this morning.

P.S.  Preliminary accounting shows 83 books read this year (2014), down from 92 last year (2013).

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