It's not JUST about what I had for breakfast...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

At The Base Of Mother Miguel

I got up early this morning, but could not come to a decision, and so went back to bed.  Finished Where The Sea Breaks Its Back, by Corey Ford. Ran across it while inventorying, decided to read it after being titillated by the description of Brigette, the eventually-to-be wife of Stiller.  And when I finished the book, I fell asleep.

Awoke later in the morning refreshed, got up and went geocaching south of Sweetwater Reservoir.

The first cache I found had TWO containers within a foot of each other, but each still was under its own rock. I signed both logs.

The second cache had one container but TWO logbooks.  I only signed one log.

The fourth cache was easy to find.  A motorcyclist passed by. I was thinking, "Nice, that would save a lot of walking, would it not?"  It was a very quiet bike, I think it was a BMW.

I headed off to the next cache, which is on the other side of that there lake.  I was sitting quietly when three women on horses passed by.  The horses were a bit spooked by me sitting there, that ladies kept telling the horses "That's a man, not a mountain lion."  I took off my hat so the horses could see my smiling face, but the ladies said "Just keep talking." I told them that the dogs at the dog park earlier had the same reaction to me.  I'm talking to YOU, Sasha!!

I was still sitting there (drying the wet log sheet, and re-bagging it) when the horse ladies waited for a bicycle to pass.

The most physical cache was Mother's Rock Garden, which involved bush whacking and a bit of rock scrambling.  And a close watch for snakes, of which I did not see a one.

I forgot my water bottle at home.  I should probably carry a spare in the vehicle.  I CITOed (CacheInTrashOut)  a half-full water bottle from the side of the trail, but I'm not gonna drink that, sir!  I watered the plants with it.  Drank from the fountain at the dog  park after the first cache find, which is where I met Sasha the dog.

Nest:  Mt Miguel??

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