I took the morning off and went down to the bay to feed the jetty kitties some canned cat food we had left over from when there was a cat here.
And also a little geocaching along the bike path.
But first, I saw a splash in the water. I saw a fin!! Was it a porpoise, or a shark? Of course, I did not have the camera with me, so I ran (walked quickly) back to the vehicle to get it. Took this pic, which clearly shows another disturbance in the water where there was a fin a second ago. I swear!
Here are the kitties eating breakfast.
That grounding wire ain't gonna work too good.
No, I don't know what that picture is, it was just laying there. There was another one on the pole.
I found four of the five caches I looked for, including three that I had DNFed on previously. Walked about 3.93 miles, according to
Google Map Pedometer.
Over there under that bridge is where my mother dropped me off (on her way to work) so I could hitchhike downtown to the recruiting center to catch a bus to LA for my Army physical. I THINK it was the physical. Maybe it was just testing. Anyway, it was ARMY stuff!
And that winds up Sunday.
Introducing our new fish, Turko.